Books published

Fifteen 15 Minute Training Topics V1: Quick Training Topics for Probation Officers

On The Stand: Courtroom Testimony for Probation Officers

Sustained! Probation Internal Affairs Investigations and Your Rights

Maximum Exposure: 42 Stories from Probation

Newbie Status: A Guide for Probation Officers to Navigate their
First Five Years and Beyond

Left on Vacation Came Home on Probation: A Guide to Successfully Completing your Probation

Gang Conditions: A Guide to Supervising Gang Members on

Just the Facts: Report Writing for Probation Officers

The Woodchipper Murder: The Forensic Evidence Trail in the
Homicide of Helle Crafts

The Killing Frenzy: Profiling Mass Murder

Set and Run: A Profile of Timothy McVeigh

96 Minutes of Hell: Shots from the Tower

Annihilator: A Profile of John List

Disgruntled: A Profile of Joseph Wesbecker

Disciple or Partner: A Profile of Charles "Tex" Watson

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Low hanging fruit

I could call this two things.  Low hanging fruit or the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  The people on my case load that get the most attention are the ones making the most noise.  Not just from the angle of needing the most referral to services, but from the aspect of who is having the most police contact.  Also who is driving the fancy car and wearing designer clothing but doesn't have a job.  When someone is doing things to make them stand out, then they get the most attention.
So I had noticed such a pattern with a young man on probation for narcotics sales.  It may be a causal outfit he was wearing, but it was all brand name fashions - Marc Ecco and Gucci.  And he's playing that game with me concerning his employment.  He says he's working part time for cash doing handyman stuff for his girlfriends dad.  Rose hands of his haven't seen anything resembling manual labor.  I stepped outside after we were done with our appointment and watched him drive away from around the corner.  In a recent model import luxury car with aftermarket custom modifications.  That the blue book on it is over $50k.
He just turned himself into low hanging fruit.  Ripe for the picking.

P.O. Doe


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