Books published

Fifteen 15 Minute Training Topics V1: Quick Training Topics for Probation Officers

On The Stand: Courtroom Testimony for Probation Officers

Sustained! Probation Internal Affairs Investigations and Your Rights

Maximum Exposure: 42 Stories from Probation

Newbie Status: A Guide for Probation Officers to Navigate their
First Five Years and Beyond

Left on Vacation Came Home on Probation: A Guide to Successfully Completing your Probation

Gang Conditions: A Guide to Supervising Gang Members on

Just the Facts: Report Writing for Probation Officers

The Woodchipper Murder: The Forensic Evidence Trail in the
Homicide of Helle Crafts

The Killing Frenzy: Profiling Mass Murder

Set and Run: A Profile of Timothy McVeigh

96 Minutes of Hell: Shots from the Tower

Annihilator: A Profile of John List

Disgruntled: A Profile of Joseph Wesbecker

Disciple or Partner: A Profile of Charles "Tex" Watson

Monday, August 31, 2015

Free book promo

This Saturday and Sunday, September 5-6, 2015, I am running a free book promo on three titles!!

    Maximum Exposure: 42 Stories from Probation
P. O. Doe

P. O. Doe


County rejects private probation bid

A county in Florida rejects a bid from the same private probation company working in Georgia (mentioned in an earlier blog post) over having the Hillsborough Sheriff's office run the probation program.  This is an editorial.

P. O. Doe


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Probation sweep nets 16 arrests

Officers in Southern California conduct a probation sweep of offender at high risk to reoffend and arrest 16 people.  A prime example of compliance checks and holding people accountable!

P. O. Doe


Saturday, August 29, 2015

New book is live

Check this out on AMZN: Newbie Status: A Guide for Probation Officers to Navigate their First Five Years and Beyond

New Book Coming Out This Weekend!!

I finished the book that I mentioned earlier.  It will be live on Amazon by the end of the weekend.

Newbie Status: A Guide for Probation Officers to Navigate their First Five Years and Beyond

I will publish the link as soon as the Amazon review process is done!!  

This is a great tool for Probation Officers (and Parole Officers) to navigate the pitfalls that you might face during your first few years and beyond!

P. O. Doe


Probation Officer forms a soccer team with her case load

This probation officer works in Santa Cruz County in California and has formed a soccer team with the juvenile gang members on her case load.  Great work!!

P. O. Doe


Friday, August 28, 2015

The squeeky wheel gets the grease

Probationers making the most problems, especially with police involvement, get the most attention.  Too many cases, not enough PO's!!

P. O. Doe


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Don't abuse it!

A New York probation manager gets fined for abusing her position to try and help a friend get a permit.  Bad juju.  Behave yourself.

P. O. Doe


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My biggest challenge at work

It's not the probationers.  I have learned to set my expectations at an appropriate level.  I know that they are not on probation for good conduct.  I know that I'm going to be lied to.  It's just what I see as reality.  I'm not saying that I don't expect good conduct, because that's exactly what I expect.  I'm just not that affected when I don't get that level of behavior.  I am more affected when I do get good behavior that show a real desire to change and become a productive part of society.  I suppose it's that adjusted levels of success concept that I have applied.

Where I do get frustrated the most is dealing with coworkers.  I expect more from people employed in an occupation that normally requires a college degree.  Even if I have learned that pretty much anyone can get a degree...  My nephew's wife is a shining example of that.  Squeaked by with a D+ GPA and now spends her time being a religious zealot.  I digress.  What makes it so hard for people to talk right to one another?  Talking to a coworker in a condescending tone is unprofessional and not appropriate.  And I don't believe for a minute that you don't know you are doing it.  You just feel superior and don't have respect for that person.  In this case me.  And I have to really work at behaving myself at those points.  I know that we live in a ridiculously politically correct world that frowns on picking coworkers up by their tighty whiteys until their attention is sufficiently focused on their poor behavior. 

Instead, dealing with the behavior in a non-confrontational way by utilizing the supervisor as a mediator is appropriate.  I just don't have faith in the behavior of two-faced people.  When they are called on their behavior and they deny that they did it, there is a problem.  And when they get to a point where they childishly proclaim that they just won't deal with or help you any more, well that just does seem to prove my point doesn't it? 

I know that I continually do this in each of the work environments that I've had.  Perhaps it is due to previous structured employment that weeds out and smashes similar behavior.  I guess I expect more from the people that I work with.  Apparently that is not healthy for me to do.

I need to embrace the fact that rectal cranial inversion disorder is fairly common across all segments of the population...

P. O. Doe


Franklin Ohio starts a version of drug court for probationers

Semantics.  Call it a drug court or intensive supervision.  Still cheaper than jail - if the addict is ready.  And if they aren't actually a dealer scamming their way out of a possession charge.

P. O. Doe


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Judge throws out civil suit challenging legality of private probation company in Georgia

"More than a dozen civil rights lawsuits have been filed in Richmond and Columbia counties challenging the constitutionality of the state statute governing probation services, and allegedly the practices of Sentinel Offender Services have resulted in illegal arrests and incarceration, and unlawful collections by Sentinel."

Like the privatization of prisons, it appears that probation is headed the same direction.

P. O. Doe


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Armed men in probation offices

Even in the office, you need to keep aware of your surroundings!  Glad no one got hurt!

P. O. Doe


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Book promotion! Free through Sunday on Amazon!

All 5 of my books are free as a promotion through Sunday at midnight!  Download and read for free!  If you like it, leave a review and recommend them to your friends!!

P. O. Doe


He couldn't keep it in his pants

Seriously?  Not just with one of the probationers, but with four different women he supervised over a several year period.  Just shy of 20 years of service as a Kearney Nebraska probation officer.  All gone over sex.

P. O. Doe


Friday, August 21, 2015

Probation officer convicted of multiple counts of theft

"In the throes of heroin addiction" is what he is saying in trying to mitigate his responsibility for what he did.  Well, the judge in Delaware County, PA, says that you screw up again, you've got 16 years hanging over your head.

P. O. Doe


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Man files suit for bad search

In summary, probation officer conducted a probation search for the man's roommate.  They also searched the man's room and located guns.  Man was found not guilty for the possession of the guns without a permit.   Officers did overstep when they pried open his safe, but the guns were rules a good search.  Man files law suit, hoping to get paid.

P. O. Doe


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Free book promotion period coming up

All five of my eBooks will be having a free promotional period from Friday 8/21/15 to  Sunday 8/23/15!!  Check out the link to Amazon.

P. O. Doe


Officer Safety alert!

This is an increasing trend.  This one was found in the Chico, CA, area.  When I hear about an explosion some place, I don't think meth lab anymore.  I think Butane Honey Oil (BHO) lab.  When the growers have left over marijuana from their grow that didn't meet the standards of their "co-op" buyers, they now will convert it to "dabs".  The cheapest way to do this is BHO.  The butane used in the process causes a serious danger for explosion.  Educate yourself for what this stuff looks like and be on the look out for it when you do a probation search or any type of home visit.  Be safe!!!

P. O. Doe


Another type of supervised release

Probation and parole are two different types of supervised release. The federal system has opted to just call their system just supervised release.  There are differences, of course.  One of the main ones being that their search conditions have no real teeth - they can only be searched in the presence of a federal probation officer who must have probable cause for a search...
Here is another example of one of the Feds supervised release cases not doing well. It made national headlines recently.

P. O. Doe


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Raise your kids right

Teach your kids good morals.  Teach them to think for themselves.  And teach them to do the right thing when no one else is looking.

This young man from Montreal had a parent or parents that did just this.  Great thinking on your feet young man!

P. O. Doe


Two into one - is this the future of probation?

Georgia has merged probation and parole into one agency.  And they have the largest ratio of probationers and parolees in the nation.  With the cuts in budget and the states dumping more people onto probation that parole would normally supervise, is this the future?

P. O. Doe


Monday, August 17, 2015

Nsfw video on hating police

NSFW - if more people would grasp this concept.  Be accountable for your own actions.  Don't blame the police. Or the judge.  Or your probation officer.
While this mans language is a bit on the rough side, he gets it.  He went to jail for his own behavior and no one else's.  Then he decided he didn't want to do that again and, wait for it, stopped doing illegal crap.
While we hear an awful experience lot about probationers screwing up, there is no attention to the vast majority that get it and decide that this time was enough.  They quietly complete their probation and we never see them again.

P. O. Doe


His job is to address the criminality and what drives it

A probation department in Illinois looks like it is becoming more focused on the individual juvenile offender.  Although it doesn't say it, what it sounds like is evidence based practices.  This is a trend with probation and many departments are enacting this concept.  Basically, lets actually start using the programs and practices that we can prove actually work.

P.O. Doe


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Violent baby thugs

I don't know the statistics on this one, but it does seem that the juveniles that we are dealing with are more violent and more sophisticated than previous generations have reported. The juvenile justice system is not set up to deal with this level of offender. But the question remains - just when do we "give up" on a kid? When are they past redemption?

 P. O. Doe



Shots from the Tower

Shots from the Tower: Who was Charles Whitman?

The man who originated the sniper in the tower concept into main stream society.  His acts changed American police tactics forever.  Who was Charles Whitman?  Did he meticulously plan what he did?  Was it anger?  Spite?  Insanity?

P. O. Doe


Saturday, August 15, 2015

New relations with Cuba?

A while back I had the displeasure of dealing with several Cuban's that had made their way to the US. They were now being the same criminals they were there. But now I had to deal with them. Their bad attitudes were supported by the fact that they knew that they couldn't be deported. One of them had been behaving badly since the Mariel Boat Lift in 1980. They were both difficult to manage and both ended up back in custody. I wonder how the renewed relationships with the US will change that? Since we now have an embassy open again, does that mean we have a deportation agreement? P. O. Doe #probation #probationuncovered

The Woodchipper Murder

The Woodchipper Murder: The Forensic Evidence Trail in the Homicide of Helle Crafts

A disturbing case of spousal homicide.  The perpetrator was an airline pilot and reserve police officer, making the task of catching him more difficult.  What he did to his wife will send chills up your spine!

P. O. Doe


Friday, August 14, 2015

New eBook in the works!

I'm almost done with my next eBook. The topic is the things you need to know that they don't teach you during your initial training. I'm including topics on wellbeing, office politics, safety and more. If anyone has suggestions for topics I should include, I am open to them!!

P. O. Doe


Gang Conditions

Gang Conditions: A Guide to Supervising Gang Members on Probation

There are an increasing number of gang members in the community.  This means that not only will we have an increasing number of gang members on our case loads, but also directly influencing the people on our caseloads.  Maybe their brother or uncle or aunt is a gang member.  This guide helps you understand what you are dealing with, gives you tools to deal with it and aids in pointing you in the right direction to figure out what is going on with your probationers.

P. O. Doe


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Social Media

The question is being asked of if social media should be used as part of an investigation of a crime. I see it as fair game. Especially in a situation such as this. And in other situations where the suspect is still alive and being investigated for a crime, the investigators should write a warrant for the social media account. Then that can be introduced as evidence, especially if that person is holding what looks like the firearm they used in the crime. I have no problem using information I've gathered from social media for both probation violations and criminal investigations. I've done both successfully.

P. O. Doe


42 Crimes

42 Crimes: Stories from Probation

This is written based on my experiences writing reports for the court for sentencing purposes.  Over the years I did it, I saw some pretty wild and interesting cases.  These are the 42 most interesting cases.

P. O. Doe


One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days that you just want to do this to a knucklehead on your caseload?

Robbery Gone Wrong

A robbery gone wrong

Posted by JusticePorn on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

P. O. Doe


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Left on Vacation Came Home on Probation

Left on Vacation Came Home on Probation: A Guide to Successfully Completing Your Probation

The first of my eBooks on the world of probation.  This one is oriented to probationers and the loved ones that just want to know what to expect and what all of this new stuff means.

P.O. Doe


But I was scared and high on Marijuana

The title says it all.  I get so tired of the "it wasn't my fault, I'm the victim" B.S.  He ran because he was high and didn't want to go to jail for it.

P. O. Doe


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Probation/Parole search rate challenged

One of the many cities under federal mandate regarding their police force, Oakland, CA, is dealing with strategies being implemented by a federal monitor.  The monitor is challenging the contact and search rate of probationer and parolees being minority dominant.  Specifically, that African Americans consist of 80% of those stopped.  He, or the media, seem to downplay that 31% violation rate from the contacts.  So one in three are arrested for contraband, violation or new criminal conduct.  That seems to me to be a pretty good reason to keep searching...

P. O. Doe


Now it's probation as a revenue stream

Just like private corrections has pushed into the world of making money off of prisons...

Is there a place for this?  Or is it just another tool of economic suppression of the poor?

P.O. Doe


Monday, August 10, 2015

Oh my eyes...

Every time I go in on a probation search in the early morning hours, I know I run several risks.  The biggest is safety and going home.  Then there is the common issue of general hygiene and cleanliness.  Both of person and home.  And the one that burns - the risk of catching someone not clothed.  Yes, the naked.  The ugly.  Life is not full of supermodels and porn stars.  Life is gritty, fat, wrinkled, grizzled and scarred.  Just thinking about some of the things I've seen is making my eyes burn all over again...

P. O. Doe


Monday morning anti-meth motivation

I've seen this garbage being made.  The chemicals being used are toxic and then this comes out.

People will lie about the drugs they are using or have used to their PO.  But their bodies and faces won't lie when they start looking like this.  Maybe it's time for a drug test...?

P.O. Doe


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Buying off thugs?

I'm all for programs based on the Boston Ceasefire model, but this?  I'm highly skeptical...

P.O. Doe


eBook's live and online Amazon

Well, I went on a bit of a push and got FIVE eBooks uploaded this weekend!

These new titles include:

Left on Vacation Came Home on Probation: A Guide to Successfully Completing Your Probation

42 Crimes: Stories from Probation

Gang Conditions: A Guide to Supervising Gang Members on Probation

The Woodchipper Murder: The Forensic Evidence Trail in the Homicide of Helle Crafts

Shots from the Tower: Who was Charles Whitman?

These are projects that I've been working on for nearly 20 years and now they are published!!

Buy now and please take the time to leave a review!!

P.O. Doe


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Blue Lives Matter video from the news

Great training and great to see someone try to walk in the shoes of the officer and have to deal with the split second life and death situations. Her reaction at the scenario with the child is very emotional and reflects what anyone would have to deal with in that situation.
Does your department do any of this type of training? Even if you aren't armed, this is great training to help you stay calm and do what you are trained to do. Defuse, deflect, or disarm.
It also makes me reflect on an opinion piece written by an editor of an online paper out in California. He was saying that the funerals of police officers were going too far in how big they have gotten and that police officers shouldn't view themselves as warriors. He also pointed out that in the list of the most dangerous jobs, law enforcement is 14th. I would point out that none of the 13 jobs ahead of law enforcement have people trying to kill you. He was opining that what war are law enforcement officer's fighting if they are looking at themselves as warriors? A war against the community? No, the war is the one declared by the criminal population, the media and some politicians on law enforcement. Just my thoughts...

See More



Yesterday we shared video from our police involved scenarios, where reporters experienced what officers handle day-to-day across the nation. We recommend you watch Report Vanessa Medina of WSVN-TV's report as well. It was to say the least a frightening experience for her.
Posted by Coral Springs Police on Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015

Parolee with a gun

Murderer on parole had stolen gun, Allentown police say

Sarah Cassi | For By Sarah Cassi | For 

Updated August 05, 2015 at 3:14 PM

An Allentown man on parole for the murder of man 15 years ago is back in jail for allegedly having a stolen gun in his room.


Anyis McNeil was sentenced to 13 years in state prison for third-degree murder in the killing of Kareem Gibson, who was beaten and shot outside A.J.'s Bar on March 3, 2000, according to The Morning Call.


McNeil, who is now 37, was paroled in March of 2014, records show.


State parole agents conducted a home check Tuesday morning at McNeil's house in the 400 block of Liberty Street, Allentown police said, and found a loaded 9mm Glock 26 automatic handgun in a black backpack in McNeil's room.  The gun was reported stolen in January in Allentown, police said.


McNeil was not home at the time, but told agents over the phone that he was at Seventh and Hamilton streets, police said.

When agents found McNeil, he ran away, but was eventually arrested after a brief struggle, police said.


McNeil told agents the gun belonged to him, and that he bought it for protection after a recent burglary at his house, police said.


McNeil is charged with resisting arrest, prohibited possession of a firearm, and receiving stolen property. He was sent to Lehigh County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bail.

It may be a parolee, not a probationer, but where I work they are often both... Be safe!



Thursday, August 6, 2015

Upcoming eBook

My first eBook "Left on Vacation, Came Back on Probation - A guide to Successfully Completing your Probation" will be up on Amazon for Kindle by the end of this weekend! 

Please take a look at the book.  I'm selling it for a great low price of just 3.99 cents!!  This book is a great resource for the probationer and their family members!!  And it doesn't matter if you or your loved one is on misdemeanor probation, felony probation, supervised release or parole, there is great information that can be used to help finish that thing up!!!

P.O. Doe


Army combat veteran sentenced in intoxicated assault case

In Lubbock, Texas, an Army combat veteran with a PTSD diagnosis was sentenced to 8 years probation with 30 days in jail for an intoxicated assault conviction involving a vehicle.  He was already on probation for driving drunk. 

While this wasn't a Veteran's Court decision, Veteran's Court's are serving a much needed service to a population in need.  Does your area have a Vet Court?

P.O. Doe


Repost: Misdemeanor DUI case with a lot of twists

This is an interesting report on a woman put on misdemeanor probation for driving under the influence in New York.  It appears that she encountered numerous obstacles during the course of her probation grant.  I do find it interesting that it is nearly entirely one sided from the perspective of the woman who was on probation.  There are three sides to every story...

Those three sides being her side, the officer/courts side and then somewhere in the middle is the truth. 

Is this something that is normal with probation?  Or is this caused by the woman's own actions and is reflected accordingly?  Or is it an out of control Judge?

P.O. Doe


Facebook page for this blog

I set up a Facebook page to get more people aware of my blogging.  Please like the page and share it!!

P.O. Doe


Voting rights for "lower level felons" restored

This does effect thousands of people in California. 

Is this a bad idea? 

Or is removal of voting rights for convicted felons just another method for the rich to control the poor?

P.O. Doe


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Officer Safety - how one probationer thought the best way to not get his probation violated

In Leesburg, Maryland, a man firebombs a probation office to avoid getting his probation violated.  These are the people that we supervise.  He wasn't on probation for violent offenses, but for drugs.  He did the arson with a Molotov cocktail in 2012, but wasn't caught until 2014.  Glad he decided to do it when the building wasn't open for business...

P.O. Doe


Good work on developing rehabilitative opportunities for juveniles

A new facility built in 2013 has put together programs for real life skills for minors needing the chance to make the change.

P.O. Doe


Suspect in Memphis Policeman's murder on probation

Probation is another chance at making good.  This is another publicized example of it not working out - in about the worst possible way.  What do you think is the actual percentage of people that are able to make good and not screw up again?

P.O. Doe


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A report on hiring and promotion practices within the Massachusetts Probation Department, and coverage of the investigation that followed

I hadn't been following this story, but wow.  The probation department run into the ground by corruption in Boston, MA.  Where was the oversight?

P.O. Doe


Monday, August 3, 2015

(Understaffed + overtime = more use of force) At least in this California Juvenile Institution

The manpower shortages that so many departments are facing across the nation are like those being faced at this San Leandro, CA, juvenile facility. Do more with less!
It is interesting to note the correlation between staffing shortages, overtime, reduce population and roughly 5 times numbers in the use of force.

A misdemeanor DUI case with a lot of twists

This is an interesting report on a woman put on misdemeanor probation for driving under the influence in New York.  It appears that she encountered numerous obstacles during the course of her probation grant.  I do find it interesting that it is nearly entirely one sided from the perspective of the woman who was on probation.  There are three sides to every story...

Those three sides being her side, the officer/courts side and then somewhere in the middle is the truth. 

P.O. Doe


Facebook Author Page related to this blog

I set up a Facebook page to try and get more people aware of my blogging.  Please like the page and share it!!

P.O. Doe


Sunday, August 2, 2015

follow up from arrest of juvenile in Dayton Ohio caught on film

Follow up information on the investigation regarding the arrest of a minor caught on film by his parents in Dayton, Ohio.

P.O. Doe


Low hanging fruit

I could call this two things.  Low hanging fruit or the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  The people on my case load that get the most attention are the ones making the most noise.  Not just from the angle of needing the most referral to services, but from the aspect of who is having the most police contact.  Also who is driving the fancy car and wearing designer clothing but doesn't have a job.  When someone is doing things to make them stand out, then they get the most attention.
So I had noticed such a pattern with a young man on probation for narcotics sales.  It may be a causal outfit he was wearing, but it was all brand name fashions - Marc Ecco and Gucci.  And he's playing that game with me concerning his employment.  He says he's working part time for cash doing handyman stuff for his girlfriends dad.  Rose hands of his haven't seen anything resembling manual labor.  I stepped outside after we were done with our appointment and watched him drive away from around the corner.  In a recent model import luxury car with aftermarket custom modifications.  That the blue book on it is over $50k.
He just turned himself into low hanging fruit.  Ripe for the picking.

P.O. Doe
